Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Types of Intranet Portals - 1 page cheat sheet

Many of you have asked me how to position our portal solution as an INTRANET PLATFORM, and who should be the right audiences. Sharing the note below for everyone's benefit.

Below is a quick cheat sheet that you can refer to and points to talk with your customers.

    HR portal -- main customer: VP of HR or Corpcom
        We need a way to create/convey corporate culture
        We need employee self-service & manager self-service
        We need simple transactions & content (CEO corner, onboarding, compliance, training docs, etc)
        We need to transform our workforce

    Collaboration, content, & filesharing platform  -- main customer: CIO or LOB executive teams
        We need common searchable filestores
        We need a social platform
        We need departmental sites

    Business-driven set of apps -- main customer: LOB sponsor
        We need a "process portal". a "task portal", or a "role-based portal"
        Customer support, supply chain management, sales force automation, logistics, clinical portal, etc
        Backend integration is key
        We differentiate ourselves using unique applications

    Application delivery platform  -- main customer: IT
        We are building out an "intranet infrastructure" or a "platform as a service"
        We aim to drive employee adoption upfront & add apps over time
        We may combine internal-facing with external-facing sites
        We want to reduce cost, reduce time to market for new apps, increase reuse & consistency, drive SOA